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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

{you`re my favorite work of art}

Mijo is a-ok :]
Dr. Munkel said his wee wee looks normal
&its healing

{i think sweet P just hates when I change his diapers}

... prob cos he`s cold


I haven`t thought of any questions for his doctor 
or seen anything unusual today;

I am noticing him growing and he`s opening his eyes more.
It`s crazy how he knows im his mama & he knows grandma`s voice and smell, too.

I let them bond when I need to get my homework done or when I need to eat, shower, etc. 

It`s grandma`s task to burp him. 
{her shoulders are more comfy}

His uncles have been helpful, too.


Paxton`s number of pee and poopy diapers is good :
he`s sleeping longer hours now 
but he 
2 am feedings + rocking

Here are the first session photos from Susie`s Photograpy :

Monday, January 30, 2012

{please please please, let me get through this day}

"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same."

This first time mommy is a worry wart &noticed Paxton's wee wee looks irritated so we`re going to his doctor today to see if its infected :(

My heart breaks every time he cries . . . 

wish us luck!!!



To prepare for this trip : 

I gave sweet P a bath + gave him some Tylenol
Here`s a post bath pix :]

He`s got curls like mama when his hair is wet!!!!!!! 
{so cute}

This photo is from the other day :

babyboy discovered hair up there
&started pulling it!!

So funny how his hair dries straight . . . 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

{ 0H. YOU. }

Today, Paxton is ONE WEEK OLD --- officially, tonight at 8:22pm

Mommy`s favorite things this past week :

  • cracking my back {finally}
  • witch hazel + maxi pads
  • peanut butter &ritz {hospital`s fault}
  • heating pad + ice pack
  • sweet P falling asleep on my chest
  • Paxton`s dimples on his {cheeks &chin}

Paxton`s favorite things :

  • mama`s {breast}milk
  • grandma`s blankie
  • passing gas
  • burping + spitting up
  • hiccups
  • snuggling with grandma
  • staring at mommy

Saturday, January 28, 2012

{new love : babyboy's arrival}

Oh the feelings that I have are indescribable. The second the nurse had laid Paxton on my chest in the delivery room, I felt like a totally different person. For those who aren't aware --- I was four days early and gave birth to a wonderful babyboy on Sunday, January 22, 2012 : he was born at 8:22pm and weighed 6lbs 6.9oz : he was 20in long :)

Welcome to The World :
Paxton Valentino Howell

My Story : 

My contractions started when I was at church with my mom. I had to walk around in the back aisles and swayed to the music until service started. I was able to sit through it &just pray to God to give me strength. 
Once we got home I thought that I should lay down on my left side &hug my body pillow. That didn't make things any better. I had to get on all fours so that my belly would hang, and I rocked my body back &forth. 

{I learned that "slow dancing" &letting your belly hang will help you cope w the labor pains at my prenatal class}

I started to time my contractions . . . each one lasted about 45 seconds to a minute and they were 2 minutes apart. Since I never had any Braxton Hicks contractions in the third trimester of my pregnancy; I thought to myself "This is a sign, I was finally having these Braxton Hicks" --- so I wasn't worried, I was curious. I called the hospital to let them know that I wanted to come in &get checked. Last time I got checked I was only 1 cm. dilated and 30-40% efaced {thinned out} So I thought that I would only be 2 or 3cm &that they would send me home after I got checked.

Me, mom and Robbie packed the car up just in case and headed to Elkhart General. The nurse put me on the machine to track my contractions &listen to Paxton's heartbeat. Then she checked my cervix and said that I was 4-5 cm dilated and 50% efaced! Me and mom started to tear up cos that meant we were staying at the hospital and I was going to have my baby!!!! 

To make this long story short. I tolerated my contractions until I was 5.5cm

{my birth plan was to go natural with no meds but I was open minded to an epidural}

When I hit 6cm my contractions got longer & more severe and that's when I asked for the epidural --- I ended up being 100% efaced when I was 7cm and shot straight to 10cm in a matter of seconds!!!! My labor was only 5 hours long &I only pushed for 25 minutes. My mom and tia Frances were my two support people in the delivery room. I asked to have a mirror in front of me so I could see babyboy come out while I was pushing . . . it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!!! 

I'm so proud and so happy that he is healthy and everything is where it's suppose to be. My little man deserves more than what this world can offer and I am so excited to watch him grow up.

-- Xo.

 His very first doctor's appt. with his pediatrician, Dr. Laura Munkel, was yesterday. It was a nurse visit to get his weight checked and to answer any questions I had . . . 

Not a very happy camper . . . 
He was 5 days old this day &gained a half a pound


He is ONLY SIX DAYS old today and I looooooove how time seems like its in slow motion.
I cherish every moment that is spent with him.
I take pictures every hour it seems like &I love playing dress up with him

Here's some photos from this morning in his "jammies"

These were taken with my camera phone --- I try to edit them to make them more clear.
Isn't he such a doll?!

We went to Susie's house today &he got his newborn photo session started.
She took amazing photos!! 
He started to get fussy cos we were there for four hours so we plan on doing a second session very soon.

I'll upload &share once we get his second session done
but here's a sneak peek . . . 

Please go to Susie's Photography page &check out her talent!!!!

We'll see you tomorrow 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

{one week left : 39 weeks}

I had my appointment today with Dr. Karey Hogue and was able to get checked to see if I'm close or not!! She felt Paxton's head and said I am ONE CM. and 30-40 percent thinned out :)) So I feel like we are on schedule! Even with this information she can't tell me WHEN baby is coming. its impossible. I just need to do a lot of walking and let gravity work its magic.

My due date is next Thursday and if I go past it, I'll have to get a sonogram done to see if its safe to continue on waiting; most likely I'll be induced. But only if im a week or two weeks overdue. 

I'm still having trouble sleeping mostly because he is always on my mind and im uncomfortable shifting his weight around. He's been doing a lot of somersaults in my tummy at night. I've found myself taking more naps during the day. 

My goal this week is to buy nursing bras!! I've got everything packed and ready to go but I keep forgetting to buy them!! 

Hopefully this weather isn't too bad and God is on my side when I do have to travel to the hospital. Stay safe and God Bless -- Xo.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

{ diy : card book }

I've finally started scrapbooking my ultra sound pictures and maternity photos before baby boy arrives & I needed to find a way to create a keepsake with all of his baby shower cards!! I found inspiration on Pinterest on Something's board { click the link to see her mini-album that she made with wedding cards }

. . . 

This was an easy project for me since I had most of the scrapbooking supplies on hand :
cardstock, fun embellishments, lettered stickers,
adhesive tape, a ring to hold it all together {its pink but it'll do for now}
and thick ribbon.

Here's how it turned out :]

I cut the striped paper in half and attached it to the card stock to dress it up.
Added some sparkle to the front cover with these embellishments and his initials.
Here is the front and back :
Untie the ribbon and ta-dah!
I used orange brackets to attach the ribbon to the cardstock
& added some more sparkle to the back cover.

I then hole punched the corner of each card and attached them to the covers
using the pink ring that I mentioned earlier . . .

What an adorable way to cherish all the memories
& love we recieved from
friends and family :)
Now it's a keepsake that I can always look at and share with Paxton -- Xo.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

{ 38 weeks : 14 more days }

This week has been a waiting game for me. I am so ready and so anxious for babyboy's arrival that I can't sleep. I'm constantly cleaning the house and cooking and getting things ready because of my "nesting instincts" -- its an uncontrollable urge that I have. I'm tying up loose ends around the house and organizing. Both of our bags are packed and ready for the hospital. I've folded his clothes in order of size. I've hung all of his newborn outfits. I've stocked up on wipes and diapers and his car seat is getting fitted in the car tomorrow. I used to be very fatigue and tired all of the time but now I've got this burst of energy and everyone in the house doesn't seem to mind it :]

I've been super busy turning in assignments early for my four classes and preparing my schedule so I don't go crazy when he's born. I've made sure to take naps every day cause that opportunity won't be here once my little man arrives. 
My weekly check up was this morning and everything looks great. He's facing head first which is awesome and a sign that I may go into labor any day now!!! No nausea, swelling or headaches. He's active and has a healthy heartbeat.

I'm terrified for two things : a LONG labor. Not a painful one. I know it's going to hurt but labor pain is good pain. I watched a video on Tuesday at my prenatal class of the beginning of this woman's water breaking to her coping with her labor pains {so inspiring} and once that baby was put on her chest I lost it and started crying. So I'm really scared that my birth plan to deliver naturally will change and that i'll have a long labor but I need to take one contraction at a time and not freak myself out.

I'm also scared about breastfeeding. I'm giving it a try and my goal is to feed him until he's 12 months to 18 months. Having a busy schedule with a newborn and full time classes will get discouraging but I will push myself every day.

. . .

All in all. We're wonderful!! Here's my growing baby :]

Saturday, January 7, 2012

{ giveaway : Organic Bloom }

Aren't these frames adorable!? The Organic Bloom is giving away {two} 8x10 frames!! These frames are ideal for a kids room or your baby's nursery. Join me in entering by clicking on the link :]

Friday, January 6, 2012

{ believe in : Balenciaga }

My girl Erika posted a GIVEAWAY : a Balenciaga handbag! Go to Fashion CHALET to see the buzz!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

{ full term : 37 weeks }

Paxton is full term!! This means that if I go into labor his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to the outside world. We`d both be a-okay :] 

I've taken it all in these past few days on how much I've accomplished. I feel so blessed! My mom has been my life coach through this entire pregnancy. She taught me well. I can't get discouraged because I never want to let her down. I've kept up with my health thanks to WIC and eating nutritional meals and taking my vitamins. I've kept myself hydrated and put cocoa butter on my stummy everyday. {not one stretch mark} Everything I've done is for my babyboy.

I've been blessed with such an amazing support system. My number one fan being his grandma or {dnana} My best friend Jessica never leaving my side. Friends, like Whitney and Jena, who have littles are always giving me great advice. My family of course, and my four siblings who are going to make great uncles. I will never stop counting my blessings <3

I know a lot of women with experience who tell me that the time flies by. So one of my resolutions is to take ONE PHOTO a day when he's born. Knowing me i'll take tons more than that but the point is : I never want to miss a moment with him. So if you follow this blog, we can watch him grow together :]

I've made myself so proud in these past 8 months. I've become completely sober and healthy and not only am I benefiting my baby but also myself. I've taken advantage of the resources that are out there so Paxton can have a crib to sleep in and a car seat to come home in. My friends and family have given me new and used clothes and other things I need and I really appreciate all of it!!! 

In my opinion, this is going to be so hard. I know it's not going to be easy. I can't imagine all the obstacles I'm about to endure. All on my own. I was hoping for a little girl. But I am so damn happy that I will have a boy that is going to love me to pieces. I can't wait to share my every days with him. I know deep down, he's going to teach me a lot about life. 

Wow. Soooo crazy that I'm making a human being in my tummy!! Haha

So here's a little update :

-- Sleeping is more like tossing and turning. I'm extremely uncomfortable but its because he's getting so big.
I've been having these intense dreams but its because the anxiety and thoughts of labor are fueling it. Thoughts of me becoming a parent are always on my mind. I've been trying to take it easy during the day . . . 
-- I've been having contractions every so often. back pains and groin pains. nothing unusual . . .
-- My group b strep test came back today from my last appt. and it was negative. so no antibiotics for me :] 

Everything looks great and we're doing well!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

{ fun find : Lily Jane }

I can't believe ill be 37 weeks tomorrow!!! Time is flying so I made a goal to get all the decorating in Pax's nursery done, by the end of THIS week. I've printed tons of cute stuff to frame for the walls and I'm getting the curtains sewn. I'm a little frustrated with the mobile so I've asked a friend for some inspiration. We'll see how that turns out! 

While I was on Pinterest finding inspiration I came across these printable tags for a kids room. Paxton hasn't collected many toys yet but I still printed them. 

t h a n k . y o u Lily Jane for your creative toy bin tags 

click the link above to see her amazing blog and other designs