Is there anything I can't do without my baby?
Yes. Blog.
My apologies.
No time for blogging anymore.
Unless it's noon or 4pm ish but that's when I want to shower or clean up around the house.
Or "escape" to the black hole aka TARGET . . .
Let me skim through my thoughts on whats been happening in the past week or so :
I had my 6 week post pregnancy
check up and things look fine.
I scheduled to get an ultra sound done to see if
the cyst that I've had since 2009 is still on my right ovary.
If it is, and it's still 5.3 cm. then I will probably get surgery soon
Paxton is NOW starting to wear shoes that lace up.
Grandma bought him a pair of Converse the other day.
This past week was my spring break
so I've finally had the time to decorate our room --- I`ll have pictures up soonsies.
Babe is growing so fast.
He eats like every 20 minutes now instead of every 2 hours.
We had to adjust the straps in his car seat
and it seems like his feet are hanging off the edge!!
He loves this beautiful sunny weather
despite the high speed winds : He loves his carrier :}
I love his tiger hat. But I love it more when he smiles at the camera.
Baby boy is photogenic!
I've gotta get back into reality because school starts back up on Monday
&we have church in the a.m.